Dear Colleagues,

We hope this email finds you well during these turbulent times.

Faced with changing national and global scenarios, our authorities have considered it necessary to adjust our operations taking into account the various risks that will form part of our immediate horizon. These are risks and threats that will affect, to different degrees and levels, all our academic activities, even after the completion of the quarantine established by our Government.

For this reason, in order to safeguard the health of all members of the university community (and your students) and due to the context of uncertainty in which we operate; Universidad del Pacífico has decided to suspend the student exchange (both incoming and outgoing) for next semester.

We will soon contact each of you in order to explore the possibility of postponing the participation of your students (already nominated for Fall Semester 2020), to the following year.

Your understanding is very much appreciated.

Best regards,

Mariella Hernández Salazar
Director of International Relations